Comparison of Reading Growth Among Students With Severe Reading Deficits Who Received Intervention to Typically Achieving Students and Students Receiving Special Education

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Comparison of Reading Growth Among Students With Severe Reading Deficits Who Received Intervention to Typically Achieving Students and Students Receiving Special EducationClick to Enlarge

In this study, second and third Grade students who scored at or below the 10th percentile on a fall reading screener received a targeted Tier 2 reading intervention for 20 mins, four
times per week, for up to 18 weeks.

Their growth was compared to (a) students in Tier 1 without reading deficits and (b) students receiving special education services who scored below the 10th percentile and received a business as usual intervention per their IEPs, but not the targeted Tier 2 intervention.

Students who received the targeted Tier 2 intervention grew at a rate that equaled that of students without deficits in Tier 1 and was significantly higher than students who were receiving special education services. The findings underscore the importance of small group reading interventions, including for students with the lowest reading skills.

Suggested Citation

National Center on Improving Literacy (2023). Comparison of Reading Growth Among Students With Severe Reading Deficits Who Received Intervention to Typically Achieving Students and Students Receiving Special Education. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from


Burns, M. K., Maki, K. E., Brann, K. L., McComas, J. J., & Helman, L. A. (2020). Comparison of Reading Growth Among Students With Severe Reading Deficits Who Received Intervention to Typically Achieving Students and Students Receiving Special Education. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 0022219420918840.