Resumen sobre cómo mejorar la alfabetización
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Baker, S.K., Fien, F., Nelson, N. J., Petscher, Y., Sayko, S., & Turtura, J. (2017). Aprendiendo a leer: "La Visión Simple de la Lectura". Washington, DC: Departamento de Educación de EE. UU., Oficina de Educación Primaria y Secundaria, Oficina de Programas de Educación Especial, National Center on Improving Literacy. Obtenido de
Adams, M.J. (1990). Beginning to read: Thinking and learning about print. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Gough, P.B. & Tunmer, W.E. (1986). Decoding, reading, and reading disability. Remedial and Special Education, 7, 6-10.
National Reading Panel (U.S.), & National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.). (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read: an evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implication.
Aprender a leer consiste en desarrollar habilidades en dos ámbitos: la lectura precisa y fluida, y la comprensión del significado de los textos. El aprendizaje de estas destrezas no se produce de forma natural. Tanto la lectura precisa de palabras como la comprensión de textos requieren una enseñanza cuidadosa y sistemática.
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The research reported here is funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of OESE, OSEP, or the U.S. Department of Education. Copyright © 2024 National Center on Improving Literacy.