Route to Reading: Check the Road Conditions

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Route to Reading: Check the Road Conditions


The way you and families structure home-school interactions and relationships, like expectations for involvement and what each of you know about your children. For example, has a shared goal for children’s literacy success been set across home and school?


The values and views you and families hold about home-school relationships and the commitment to family engagement as a key way to improve literacy learning. For example, is there a willingness to share views of children’s literacy performance across home and school?


The climate for the interactions between you and families. Is it welcoming and respectful? Are there ways to communicate about children’s literacy learning? Is families and the school’s input used to shape children’s literacy learning?


The joint activities you and families take part in to support literacy learning and the strategies for building shared responsibility for children’s literacy progress and success. For example, are ways to partner with families to help children succeed in literacy provided schoolwide?

Suggested Citation

National Center on Improving Literacy (2020). Route to Reading: Check the Road Conditions. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from