Route to Reading: Help Your Child See The Journey's End

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Route to Reading: Help Your Child See The Journey's End

Route to Reading: Help Your Child See The Journey's End

Asking questions can help your child understand what she reads. Aim for ones that can be answered with more than one or two words.

Before reading, look at the cover and talk about what the book might be about.

During reading, ask your child about letters, sounds, words, or ideas. Encourage her to use information from the book to answer.

After reading, ask your child what happened in the book. Have her make connections to her life.

Suggested Citation

National Center on Improving Literacy (2019). Route to Reading: Help Your Child See The Journey's End. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from