Route to Reading: Schedule Regular Maintenance - Schools
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Route to Reading: Schedule Regular Maintenance - Schools
Regular and positive communication and interaction between you and families make partnering to support children’s literacy learning possible.
Check in with Families
Ask families what their language and literacy goals are for their children.
Guide families in goal setting if needed.
Explain your language and literacy goals for children and families.
Encourage families to share information about their children’s language and literacy learning.
Share objective data on how their children are progressing.
Describe how families can support their children’s language and literacy goals.
Help families learn what their children need to know and be able to do in language and literacy.
Responses should build common understanding and promote joint action between home and school.
Suggested Citation
National Center on Improving Literacy (2020). Route to Reading: Schedule Regular Maintenance - Schools. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from
Regular and positive communication and interaction between you and families make partnering to support children’s literacy learning possible.
Related Resources
The research reported here is funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of OESE, OSEP, or the U.S. Department of Education. Copyright © 2024 National Center on Improving Literacy.