This toolkit provides information about how all schools can systematically use data to help all students get appropriate reading supports through general and special education.  

You will learn:

  • An overview of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Reading, or MTSS-R
  • How an MTSS-R approach can identify timely and appropriate reading instructional supports for all students
  • How Response to Intervention can be used within MTSS-R to help school teams identify students who need special education services

This toolkit includes:

  • Online tutorial
  • Supporting videos, resources, and tools

Online Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn about how to establish a strong school system that uses data and high-quality instruction and intervention to help every student get access to reading supports that are “just right” for them.

Multi-tiered Systems of Support in Reading

Explore these resources to learn more about Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Reading.

Watch this video with Principal Kimberly Miles on the importance of supporting students individually.

MTSS-R Guide Compass Logo

A step-by-step guide to implementing multi-tiered systems of support in reading (MTSS-R).


This article provides an overview of the MTSS framework.

Topic: Screening, Identification

Identifying Reading Supports

Check out this collection of resources to build your knowledge about identifying timely and appropriate reading supports for students.


This article helps parents understand their legal rights during the evaluation process, to help ensure you get the services your child needs.

Topic: Identification, Advocacy


The purpose of this module is to introduce schools interested in implementing intensive intervention to the infrastructure needed to implement data-based individualization (DBI).

Topic: Instruction, Assessments


This article describes data-based individualization, a research-based process for individualizing and intensifying interventions through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and research-based adaptation strategies

Topic: Instruction, Assessments

IRIS Center

This module, the second in a series, offers information on making data-based instructional decisions. Specifically, the resource discusses collecting and analyzing progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment data. This resource is designed for individuals who will be implementing intensive interventions (e.g., special education teachers, reading specialists, interventionists) (est. completion time: 3 hours).

Topic: Assessments

Colorín Colorado

This article provides an introduction to the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework and what MTSS means for English language learners (ELLs).

Topic: English Learners, Assessments


Both Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans can offer formal help for students who are struggling in school. They are similar in some ways but very different in others. This chart compares them side by side to help you understand the differences.

Topic: Dyslexia

Identifying Eligibility for Special Education Services

Learn more about identifying eligibility for special education services with these resources.

Watch this video by Principal Kimberly Miles on how to ensure your student outcomes are fair.


This document outlines joint principles that have been developed in partnership by a group of organizations.

Topic: Advocacy

Texas Center for Learning Disabilities

This report summarizes research on the identification of Specific Learning Disabilities and makes recommendations for practice.

Topic: Dyslexia, Screening, Identification


This training module demonstrates how academic progress monitoring fits into the Data-Based Individualization (DBI) process by (a) providing approaches and tools for academic progress monitoring and (b) showing how to use progress monitoring data to set ambitious goals, make instructional decisions, and plan programs for individual students with intensive needs.

Topic: Assessments


This paper describes the exclusionary factors contained in federal law and regulation and highlights the specific challenges associated with applying these factors during the evaluation process.

Topic: Identification, Legislation