Remote literacy learning includes a mixture of literacy learning experiences that are teacher-led, family-led, and student-led. It is a collaboration among schools, families, and students. These toolkits help schools and families join efforts to support children’s literacy growth in remote or blended learning environments.
You will learn:
- Features of remote literacy learning.
- Roles that schools and families play.
- Tips for planning and implementing remote literacy learning.
- Coaching steps to support literacy learning at home.
These Toolkits include:
- Overview of Remote Literacy Learning Video & Resources
- Online Tutorial for Schools and Educators
- Tools & Resources for Families and Educators
The research reported here is funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of OESE, OSEP, or the U.S. Department of Education. Copyright © 2024 National Center on Improving Literacy.