
State Education Agency (SEA) Dyslexia Legislation

Has Legislation?Yes

Parent Opt-Out/Consent Procedures by Law?
SEA Recognizes IDA Definition?
SEA Recognizes State Definition?
SEA Has Dyslexia Specialist?

HB96, HB157, HB436

Ohio HB 157 authorizes professional development related to dyslexia, and a dyslexia specialist. HB 96 amends section 3323.01 of Ohio law and enacts section 3323.25 which defines dyslexia, and which requires a pilot project to provide early screening and intervention services for children with risk factors for dyslexia. Statutes related to dyslexia can be found on the Ohio.gov Website. HB436 addresses screening, intervention, professional development, and state guidance. Section 3323.25 defines dyslexia as, “a specific learning disorder that is neurological in origin and that is characterized by unexpected difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities not consistent with the person's intelligence, motivation, and sensory capabilities, which difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language.”



Parents Must Be Notified of Results?
SEA Publishes List of Screeners?
Annual Reporting to the SEA?
Response to Intervention for Student Learning Disability Eligibility in 2010?
Permitted by law
Severe Discrepancy for Student Learning Disability Eligibility in 2010?
Permitted by law
Student Learning Disability Eligibility (Zirkel & Thomas 2010 Classification)?
RTI, SD, and Other permitted

According to HB 436, Each school district and other public school shall do all of the following:

(1) For the 2022-2023 school year, administer a tier one dyslexia screening measure to a student to whom either of the following applies:(a) The student is enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through three. A screening measure shall be administered to a student enrolled in kindergarten after January 1, 2023, but prior to January1, 2024.(b) The student is enrolled in any of grades four through six and either of the following applies:(i) The student's parent, guardian, or custodian requests that the screening measure be administered to the student.(ii) A classroom teacher requests that the screening measure be administered to the student and the student's parent, guardian, or custodian grants permission for the screening measure to be administered.

(2) For the 2023-2024 school year and each school year thereafter, administer a tier one dyslexia screening measure to a student to whom either of the following applies:(a) A student enrolled in kindergarten. A screening measure shall be administered to a student after the first day of January of the school year in which the student is enrolled in kindergarten and prior to the first day of January of the following school year.(b) A student enrolled in any of grades one through six if either of the following applies:(i) The student's parent, guardian, or custodian requests that the screening measure be administered to the student.(ii) A classroom teacher requests that the screening measure be administered to the student and the student's parent, guardian, or custodian grants permission for the screening measure to be administered. A district or school may administer a tier two dyslexia screening measure to a student to whom the district or school administers a tier one screening measure under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section. In that case, a district or school shall not be required to complete division (A)(4) of this section.

(3) Identify each student that is at risk of dyslexia based on the student's results on the tier one screening measure and notify the student's parent, guardian, or custodian that the student has been identified as being at risk.

(4) Monitor the progress of each at-risk student toward attaining grade-level reading and writing skills for up to six weeks. The district or school shall check each at-risk student's progress on at least the second week, fourth week, and sixth week after the student is identified as being at risk. If no progress is observed during the monitoring period, the district or school shall notify the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student and administer a tier two dyslexia screening measure to the student.

(5) Report to a student's parent or guardian the student's results on a tier two screening measure approved by the Ohio dyslexia committee within thirty days after the measure's administration. If, as determined by the tier two screening measure, the student is identified as having dyslexia tendencies, the student's parent or guardian shall be provided with information about reading development, the risk factors for dyslexia, and descriptions for evidenced-based interventions.

(6) If a student demonstrates markers for dyslexia, provide the student's parents or guardian with a written explanation of the district or school's multi-sensory structured literacy program. (B)(1) Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, each district or school shall:(a) Administer a tier one dyslexia screening measure to each kindergarten student that transfers into the district or school midyear during the school's regularly scheduled screening of the kindergarten class or within thirty days after the student's enrollment if the screening already has been completed;(b) Administer a tier one dyslexia screening measure to each student in grades one through six that transfers into the district or school midyear within thirty days after the student's enrollment. (2) If a student is identified as being at risk of dyslexia under division (B)(1) of this section, the district or school shall administer a tier two screening measure in a timely manner.(C) Each district or school shall do all of the following: (1) Comply with the guidebook developed under division (C) of section 3323.25 of the Revised Code;(2) Select screening and intervention measures to administer to students from the measures identified under division (E) of section 3323.25 of the Revised Code;(3) Establish a multidisciplinary team to administer screening and intervention measures and analyze the results of the measures. The team shall include trained and certified personnel and a stakeholder with expertise in the identification, intervention, and remediation of dyslexia.(4) Report to the department of education the results of screening measures administered under this section.



The department of education, in collaboration with the Ohio dyslexia committee, shall maintain a list of courses that fulfill the professional development requirements prescribed in division(C) of this section. The list may consist of online or classroom learning models.(2) Each approved course shall align with the guidebook developed under section 3323.25 of the Revised Code, be evidence-based, and require instruction and training for identifying characteristics of dyslexia and understanding the pedagogy for instructing students with dyslexia.(3) The Ohio dyslexia committee shall prescribe a total number of clock hours of instruction in courses approved under this section for a teacher to complete to satisfy the professional development requirements prescribed in division (C) of this section. The Ohio dyslexia committee shall prescribe a total number of clock hours that is not less than six clock hours and not more than eighteen clock hours.



Not later than the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, each teacher employed by a local, city, or exempted village school district who provides instruction for students in kindergarten and first grade, including those providing special education instruction, shall complete the number of instructional hours in approved professional development courses required by the committee under this section.(2) Not later than the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, each teacher employed by a school district who provides instruction for students in grades two and three, including those providing special education instruction, shall complete the number of instructional hours in approved professional development courses required by the committee under this section.(3) Not later than the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year, each teacher employed by a school district who provides special education instruction for students in grades four through twelve shall complete a professional development course approved under division (B) of this section.(D) Any professional development course completed by a teacher prior to the effective date of this section that is then included on the list of courses approved under division (B)(1) of this section shall count toward the number of instructional hours in approved professional development courses required under division (C) of this section. Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, each city, local, and exempted. village school district shall establish a multi-sensory structured literacy certification process for teachers providing instruction for students in grades kindergarten through three employed by the district. Each process shall align with the guidebook developed under section 3323.25 of the Revised Code. Sec. 3323.11. Each school district shall employ, as necessary, the personnel to meet the needs of the children with disabilities enrolled in its schools. Personnel shall possess appropriate qualifications and certificates or licenses as prescribed in section 3319.077 of the Revised Code and in rules of the state board of education.




To our knowledge, Ohio does not require dyslexia intervention per se. As described in the screening section, however, intervention in a tiered context is supported through various provisions.

Literacy State-identified Measurable Result (SIMR) - Part B

Has Literacy SIMR?Yes


Decoding Dyslexia Ohio

International Dyslexia Association Central Ohio

International Dyslexia Association Northern Ohio

International Dyslexia Association Ohio Valley


Zirkel, P. A., & Thomas, L. B. (2010). State laws for RTI: An updated snapshot. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 56-63.

Gearin, B., Turtura, J., Kame’enui, E. J., Nelson, N. J., & Fien, H. (2018). A Multiple Streams Analysis of Recent Changes to State-Level Dyslexia Education Law. Educational Policy, 0895904818807328.

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Last modified: 
09/22/2023 - 4:03pm