Reading the Room webinar

In this video, NCIL, in collaboration with BU, is hosting a series of live webinar discussions on the science of reading, literacy instruction, and literacy-related policies that affect students and teachers. The Reading the Room series brings together education stakeholders with a shared interest and expertise in improving literacy outcomes for students.

In this video, Deputy Director Nancy Nelson, Professional Development Coach Jess Surles, and Elementary School Teacher at Easterly Parkway, Jaymie Raymey discuss effective remote teaching strategies and how to address learning loss due to interrupted learning due to the pandemic.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts, State Agencies
Remote Learning, Evidence-based

In this presentation, NCIL's Brian Gearin and Jess Surles, discuss how to return to in-person learning using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Reading (MTSS-R) for all students.

Schools & Districts, State Agencies
Remote Learning, Professional Development

This presentation by Dr. Nancy J. Nelson, NCIL Deputy Director, provides information on key issues for learning recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schools & Districts, State Agencies
Assessments, Interventions

In this recorded webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Grinder joins NCIL for a discussion about Interactive Literacy Activities for young children.

Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading, General Literacy

Reading the Room Discussion Series

Watch this recorded discussion on the science of reading, literacy instruction, and literacy-related policies that affect students and teachers.

Reading the Room Discussion Series

Watch this recorded discussion about how to implement and strengthen your Multi-tiered Systems of Support for Reading (MTSS-R).

Schools & Districts

Reading the Room Discussion Series

Watch this recorded discussion about the findings of a recent meta-analysis involving studies conducted over the last four decades that aimed to improve reading outcomes for Grade K-5 students with or at risk for dyslexia.

Schools & Districts

Reading the Room Discussion Series

Watch the recording of the Reading the Room webinar on the state of the science of reading for supporting students with reading disabilities.

Schools & Districts
Dyslexia, Evidence-based

Reading the Room Discussion Series

This Reading the Room panel will discuss preparing pre-service candidates to use evidence-based methods to teach reading, especially after the instructional disruptions caused by COVID-19.

Schools & Districts
Evidence-based, Professional Development

Reading the Room Discussion Series

Watch this recorded webinar on using instructional coaching to implement and sustain evidence-based literacy instruction through the lens of Implementation Science.

Schools & Districts, State Agencies
Professional Development

Reading the Room Discussion Series

In this recorded webinar, panelists present data illustrating some of the most glaring problems with educational inequity in reading, and discuss approaches for building educational equity through policy, partnerships, and practice.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts, State Agencies

IES Foundational Skills Recommendation Series

Jeanne Wanzek, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University and Carol Dissen, Expert Literacy Coach at the Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon, present on Recommendation 1 from the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade: Practice Guide (WWC)

Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading, Comprehension

IES Foundational Skills Recommendation Series

Jeanne Wanzek, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University and Carol Dissen, Expert Literacy Coach at the Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon, present on Recommendation 3: Teach students to decode words, analyze word parts, and write and recognize words, from the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade: Practice Guide (WWC).

Schools & Districts
Language Development, Fluency with Text

IES Foundational Skills Recommendation Series

Jeanne Wanzek, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University and Carol Dissen, Expert Literacy Coach at the Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon, present on Recommendation 2: Develop awareness of the segments of sounds in speech and how they link to letters, from the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade: Practice Guide (WWC).

Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading, Language Development

IES Foundational Skills Recommendation Series

Jeanne Wanzek, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University and Carol Dissen, Expert Literacy Coach at the Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon, present on Recommendation 1 from the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade: Practice Guide (WWC)

Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading

Visual Impairment and Dyslexia Series

Marnee Loftin, a retired psychologist from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, answers the question: What types of intervention strategies are useful for students with visual impairments?

Schools & Districts, State Agencies

Visual Impairment and Dyslexia Series

Marnee Loftin, a retired psychologist from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, answers the question: How would someone evaluate for the presence of dyslexia in a student with visual impairment?

Schools & Districts, State Agencies

Visual Impairment and Dyslexia Series

Marnee Loftin, a retired psychologist from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, answers the question: What are some signs a student with visual impairment may need an evaluation for dyslexia?

Schools & Districts, State Agencies

Visual Impairment and Dyslexia Series

Marnee Loftin, a retired psychologist from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, answers the question: What are some of the factors that impact the development of reading skills in students with visual impairments?

Schools & Districts, State Agencies

Visual Impairment and Dyslexia Series

Marnee Loftin, a retired psychologist from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, answers the question: Can students with visual impairments have dyslexia?

Schools & Districts, State Agencies

The Literacy For All Series

This session will share evidence-based reading practices that can be used in response to screening to address students who show risks for reading difficulties or dyslexia.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Dyslexia, Assessments, Interventions

The Literacy For All Series

This session wil discuss the characteristics of strong reading screening assessments and investigate the pre-literacy and early literacy areas (or behaviors) that are predictive of future reading success.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Dyslexia, Screening, Evidence-based

The Literacy For All Series

This Keynote session with Sarah Sayko will describe the resources NCIL can provide to schools and parents and the evidence base that supports screening, instruction, and intervention to increase literacy achievement for students who struggle to read and students with dyslexia.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Screening, Instruction, Interventions

Spotlight on South Carolina Series

Sally Baker from the Family Connection of South Carolina discusses what FCSC learned as a result of training parents and professionals using NCIL’s Supporting Your Child’s Literacy Development tutorial and facilitator’s guide.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading

Spotlight on South Carolina Series

Sally Baker from the Family Connection of South Carolina discusses what happened when FCSC trained professionals using NCIL’s Supporting Your Child’s Literacy Development tutorial and facilitator’s guide.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading

Spotlight on South Carolina Series

Sally Baker from the Family Connection of South Carolina discusses what happened when FCSC trained parents using NCIL’s Supporting Your Child’s Literacy Development tutorial and facilitator’s guide.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading

Spotlight on South Carolina Series

Sally Baker from the Family Connection of South Carolina discusses how FCSC designed trainings using NCIL’s Supporting Your Child’s Literacy Development tutorial and facilitator’s guide and who the trainings reached.

Parents & Families, Schools & Districts
Beginning Reading